Saturday, July 5, 2014


It'd be nice to be young for ever right?

These are a few quick fix and sure fire methods to live a very long life. In no particular order:

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical practitioner. Don't kill yourself by doing something crazy. Even though what I say is, to my knowledge true. Please consult your favorite qualified doctor before doing stuff I say.

1. Bleed

Donating blood one every three months helps regulate the iron levels in the body, specially in men. This goes a long way in keeping bacterial infections in check, avoiding the carcinogenic effects of iron, reducing cell oxidation, reducing the risk of cardiac events and strokes, maintaining insulin sensitivity and earning some good karma.

2. Build muscle

Do this, and earn a life of comfort. Gain confidence, move without pain, feel strong, fall sick less often, eat more still don't grow fat. People with a good layer of muscle just refuse to age.

3. Fast

Certain cells in the body repair their genome only when starved of blood glucose. Intermittant Fasting(IF) is shown to increase the lifespan of lab rats by as much as 15%. Go hungry for 14 hours once a week.

4. Chill

Human beings are the happiest at 13.5 degrees centigrade. Use the AC.

5. Glucosamine + Condroitin 

Steal this from granny's closet and use! These are OTC drugs that are given to people suffering from osteoarthritis, which will naturally happen as you age. Instead of waiting till then, it's a good idea to occasionally supplement on them in a controlled manner. I'm guessing: 3-4 months every 4-5 years should suffice. You judge for yourself though.

6. Fish oil(or Algae oil, for those who can't eat fish)

DHA and EPA are important Omega-3 fatty acids. They help in a thousand different ways. Supplement on this and see the difference in your life. Thank me later. I accept checks and demand drafts too.

7. Creatine Monohydrate

Cause when you live long, it would be nice to have some motor control. 3 grams daily for a month every third month. Again, be you own judge.

8. Meditation

Easier said than done? Definitely. But the benefits are profound. Maybe, one day, I'll follow my own advice :P

9. Use sunscreen

SPF 15(or 30) will keep your skin looking like a school girl when you're well in your 40s. Now, who doesn't like good skin? Make sun protection your daily habit. Water based lotions adhere to the skin better. Get your vitamin D3(chloecalciferol) from oil based capsules instead.

This list is not complete, but I tried to make a concise list of actionable goals rather than abstract things like "eat healthy", "exercise regularly" or "floss you teeth", which, in my experience, makes for good articles but are hardly executable.

And yes, your comments earn you my respect. Thanks.

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