Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Avoiding the Nerves

This is a list of handy tools and methods to get rid of stress and jittery nerves. Basically a very simple set of hacks that if done regularly will assuredly give the subject(haha) a sense of general well-being.

In making this list I have made sure that,

  1. The thing to be done is simple, requires minimal effort.
  2. It's in good taste.
In doing so, I have looked at many sources on how to effectively change the hormones in one's body. Mostly, this list is for my own use. That's because these things work.

#1. Always have a handkerchief

A gentleman without a kerchief is a warrior without his weapon. Always, ALWAYS carry. I learn my lessons the hard way. What happens when your nose is stuffy bang in the middle of a social situation and you can't leave. Say, like a lecture or something.

All that aside, the kerchief's presence makes us use it when we wouldn't feel it's need if it weren't there. It feels good.

#2. Go to the loo more often.

Even if you don't feel the urge, give it a shot. More often than not, something does materialize.

#3. Wear nice shoes

It helps keep the body stable. I have learnt that the ideal shoes should have the bare minimal cushioning. Much like the canvas shoes we wore at school.

Ditch the sandals or slippers. In the hours to follow, it's never really worth it.

#4. Don't read

The news. Or anything. Unless it's truly important. Especially in the morning.

#5. Get rid of  the Internet

Social media is a killer of good mood. In saying this, I'm not speaking merely from my observations, but is backed by much independent research.

Email, is full of crap.

Porn is, well... porn.

All of this feels good whilst being done. But it does get on ones nerves, even if one's not necessarily aware of it

#6. Do Nothing

Nothing good can possibly happen while one's not up to it, Do what you're best at doing: nothing.

This is not procrastination. Remember, nothing was going to happen anyway.

Remove yourself from the world. It still turns.

#7. Go to a friends house

It's like vagabonding, except on a much smaller scale.

#8. Avoid toxic people

This is easier said than done. You know a person is toxic when they sap enthusiasm out like a leech. I try to be as ruthless as I can, in avoiding them.

#9. Drink tea

The warmth!

#10. Rearrange stuff

Put the house in order or organize documents. It gives an instant sense of accomplishment, so it feels very good.

#11. Don't write articles like this one. Ever.

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